My Essay on Emanuel A.M.E. Church and Dylann Roof

2928014507_1c7c581bbe_zI lived in Charleston, SC from when I was around 11 to 20 years old. I went to a private, all-white elementary school right next door to “Mother Emanuel,” Emanuel A.M.E. church. I wrote an essay about the #CharlestonShooting — and about a stupid childhood prank I played on that church.

And how kind they were to me.

The essay contains some paragraphs like this, too:

Both sides in this race war (and it is a war, the longest in American history) have been fighting for generations. White people are in denial of it, perhaps because it’s too hard for us to see it. And when we we’re told about, we wish it would just go away. We find it a boring topic because our privilege allows us to be bored by it. It’s our privilege to be bored. And yes, it bores me. It’s boring because people like me swim in privilege, like a fish swims in water. Often, I only see the hard work that got me where I am, not the extra boost I got along the way because I am white.



About Meakin Armstrong

Fiction writer, fiction editor, journalist, and copywriter.
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One Response to My Essay on Emanuel A.M.E. Church and Dylann Roof

  1. Shandine Maines says:

    Your accounting of this is like a testimony without the concluding paragraph lining out how your were saved. Thought provoking & true.

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