Cornelia Street Cafe: Reading Tomorrow, December 16th

I’m doing a reading on the 16th at Cornelia Street Cafe along with Thaddeus Rutkowski and Alison Summers.

From the Cornelia Street PR:

Meakin Armstrong will read his short story “Gigantic” Meakin Armstrong is a screenwriter, magazine editor, fiction editor of Guernica ( and a freelance writer working on his first novel. For 2007, he received a Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference work-study “waitership.” Meakin is also contributor to the book, New York Calling: From Blackout to Bloomberg (Dist U of Chicago Press, 2007). Most recently, his work appeared in Mr. Beller’s Neighborhood. His work will also be featured in an upcoming book on movies.

Thaddeus Rutkowski will read his works “Smoking” and “Recovery is for Quitters”. Thaddeus Rutkowski is a graduate of Cornell University and The Johns Hopkins University. He is the author of the novels Tetched (Behler Publications) and Roughhouse (Kaya Press). Both books were finalists for an Asian American Literary Award. He has been the fiction editor of the literary magazine Many Mountains Moving since 2007. He teaches fiction writing at the Writer’s Voice of the West Side YMCA in Manhattan and has taught at Pace University, the Hudson Valley Writers Center and the Asian American Writers Workshop.

Alison Summers will read from her work-in-progress Predator. Alison Summers´ first play Punch me in the Stomach co-written with Deb Filler premiered at the New York Theatre Workshop in 1992. Since then she has written freelance journalism for newspapers including The Times in London, The Australian and Sydney Morning Herald. She has edited several novels which have won literary prizes, and is now writing her first novel.

Cover $7 (includes one house drink)

About Meakin Armstrong

Fiction writer, fiction editor, journalist, and copywriter.
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