Tag Archives: SEO

Pleasure is the Business

I love this comment “strober” wrote on the Delta piece I did for the The Atlantic’s website: great feature here – only way to do business is to mix in a bit of pleasure. Thank you for the tips! That’s … Continue reading

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Is SEO D.O.A.?

In a posting for PaidContent, Ben Elowitz writes that SEO is dead–killed by by “SMO,” or Social Media Optimization. He says readers are now going to content sites, not because of a search, but because of a link provided by … Continue reading

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Writing: Should You Outline First?

I just ran across this piece by Nancy Rawlinson (who is a contributing editor at Guernica ) on the outlining debate. She says that yes, you should. You should outline your fiction. I have to admit that I sometimes do, … Continue reading

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My Posted Clips

Just moved into my new site, meakinarmstrong.com. Continue reading

Posted in Blog, Copywriting, Editing, Fiction, New Clips, Short Story by Meakin Armstrong, Writing, Writing Samples | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Will Bad Newsgathering Outlast Good Papers?

Newsonomics has a piece on its blog comparing Patch.com news report with one in the Contra Costa Times. Contra Costa has better reporting. But Patch had more interaction with its readers. It also had better SEO and was listed higher … Continue reading

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Still Working on This Site

It’s a slow process, but I’m putting PDFs of my clips onto this site. Click on “Editorial Clips” for my freelance writing/journalism and “Copywriter” for my ad-driven writing. Eventually, I’ll also have my all of my fiction up, and information … Continue reading

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Have My Own Page on The Atlantic Site

Still busy posting for The Atlantic, and now have my own page, here

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