It’s going to be a lot like an AWP panel (but without your having to fly to Chicago, fight the crowds, and eat bad hotel food). Find out how to start a literary magazine of your own—and how to make it last—at this presentation/reading/Q&A.
Details from the Guernica site:
Guernica Inside & Out: A Talk at Fordham University-Lincoln Center
February 15th, 7 pm
Fordham University-Lincoln Center
113 W. 60th Street (at Columbus)
When writer William Saroyan told H.L. Mencken he wanted to be an editor, Mencken sent this letter to Saroyan:
“I note what you say about your aspiration to edit a magazine. I am sending you by this mail a six-chambered revolver. Load it and fire every one into your head. You will thank me after you get to hell and learn from other editors there how dreadful their job was on earth.”
But if you insist, we’ll help. Writer Matt Bell (also an editor at Dzanc and The Collagist) will read and participate. Guernica Daily Editor Rebecca Bates will read nonfiction selections from the magazine and talk about editing the stories.
Other editors—Fiction Editor Meakin Armstrong, and Founding Editors Michael Archer and Joel Whitney—will be in attendance.
If you happen to be in New York City, we hope to see you there!