It’s called the “Orphan Reading” because, well, it’s a long story.
Anyway, many of the 2007 work-study scholars, writers who received a “waitership” from Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, are having a reading during AWP, the big writers’ conference, convention, and blah blah. This is strictly unofficial. Unsanctioned. We’re reading together as friends.
It’ll take place in Brooklyn.
Pacific Standard
8:30 pm Feb 1, 2008
Readers (more or less and given in no particular order)
Aaron Balkan
Avery Slater
Shane Oshetski
Greg Wrenn
Matt Siegel
Dave MacLean
Julia Kudravetz
Lindsay Bernal
Emily Perez
Jenny Hill
Jennifer de Leon
Meakin Armstrong
We’ll have to somehow start a bonfire.